Insurance & Payments
For the most up-to-date information on our accepted health insurance plans contact our billing department directly at (216) 261-6263 x711

​To find out if we're in-network or out-of-network on your particular insurance plan, the only place you can call is your insurance company or look online on their website to see if Dr. Lautman, Dr. Kansal and Dr. Yalavarthy are on your Providers List. If we are out-of-network, you will have to pay a portion of, or, your total fee, depending on your plan rules. You’ll find your insurance plan's phone number and website on the back of your insurance cards. They're there to help you understand how your plan works.
As a courtesy to you, we file your medical claim with your primary and secondary insurance companies. However, you or your designated party is obligated to pay any portion not covered by your insurance(s).
If you have Medicare and a secondary insurance plan, Medicare can automatically forward your bill to your secondary for you! Just call Medicare to tell them to do that. The number is on the back of your Medicare card. Tell them you have a secondary insurance plan and you want all your bills to “cross-over electronically” to your secondary insurance plan. It's as easy as that! You will only get billed, if at all, for what's left after both insurance plans have paid.
We accept many insurance plans including but not limited to the following; check your network we are probably in it!
OH Medicaid
Railroad Medicare
Buckeye Health
Highmark BC/BS
MyCare UHC
Summa Care
United Healthcare
Most Commercial Plans

Billing Policy
If a Mychart Medical Advice question is initiated by you, and you have been under CKHC care at least once in the last three years, and you currently located in Ohio, and the provider takes five or more minutes to consider, investigate and respond to you, then at his/her discretion we may bill your insurance for his/her time. You will be responsible for any portion they deem your responsibility. If you do not have insurance, you will be responsible for the full charge.
The same applies for a lengthy phone call conversation with your provider, over one or several calls.
Insurance Assistance
Medicare's customer service is there to help you. Call them at 1-800-282-0530. We are in-network for Cleveland Clinic employee insurance. ​
Please call your Cleveland Clinic employee benefits department for more information.